My Frustrations with the Manistee News Advocate

October 8th, 2021
By Christopher Shilts.

Two months ago I submitted my first letter to the editor of the Manistee News Advocate. It was published about 5 days later, on August 19th. The very next day a rebuttal authored by MARJDI was published as a letter to the editor. In this letter I was defamed, and among other things accused of being threatening. To whom I do not know to this day. I tried to find out by writing a reply, which couldn't be submitted for 30 day's since my last submission due to the advocate's policy.

Around September 16th I submitted my reply letter. I waited patiently to here something. On the 21st I recieve an automated email stating my letter was received and will be considered for publication- an email I failed to notice. So on the 25th I wrote an email to the editor, asking her if they have received my letter. On the 28th I receive a reply from her, informing me that my letter was over 500 words. I reply to her the same day, informing her that according to my word processor, it was 487 words. In this email I send her a revised letter, now 465 words, and ask her to let me know if there are any further problems. I hear nothing further from her until October 8th (ten days later), when she sends me the following:


We are declining to publish at this time. You've already covered the topic in your previous letter.

thank you,

Michelle Graves
Managing Editor
Manistee News Advocate"

I try to write her back, and receive an automated email informing me that she's going to be out of the office until the 18th- ten days out.

Is my experience unique? I can't say for sure, but I have talked to a lot of folks who say the News Advocate refuses to publish their letters. I hope they will have more luck with this publication, should they choose to send me a letter.

~Christopher Shilts

Editor in Chief of Manistee Speaks


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